About Us

We are a small and vibrant congregation that gathers to worship, grow closer to Christ, and make faith part of our daily lives.

We strive to be a welcoming and inviting place for people of all ages.

So, come!  Join us for worship, see and become a part of all the ways the Holy Spirit is at work in our church, our community, and our very lives.






Southwest Minnesota Synod

+ Engaging leaders + Equipping Congregations + Serving God’s world +

Bethel is part of the SW MN Synod of the ELCA. Bishop Dee Pederson has served as our Bishop since 2021. Our Synod’s mission: God places us in cities, farms, and towns together under one prairie sky. The Risen Christ surprises us with opportunities to plant God’s word in the world. Walking together in confidence, we cultivate lifegiving congregations, nurture partner ministries, and cooperate in the life of the ELCA.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Bethel Lutheran is part of the ELCA. Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Easton has served since her election in 2013. The ELCA is a community of faith with nearly 8,900 congregations across the US, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, and just over 3 million members. Together, we share a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us through Jesus and at work in us through the Spirit. Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow in relationship with God and experience God’s grace in our lives.