
Your faithful financial support is an act of worship and makes possible the ministry of Bethel Lutheran Church. It is through the varied gifts of our members & friends that we can live fully into our mission statement to “joyfully live and share the good news”  Thank You!

There are many ways to financially support our congregation:

1. Give Online: Access Bethel Online Giving or scan the QR code below.  This is a safe, easy, and automated way to financially support God’s ongoing work at Bethel.  Choose the amount and frequency (recurring or one time) of your gift.  If recurring, it is automatically withdrawn from your checking/savings/credit card.

2. Give through Texting: Send a text message to 866-298-7547 with the amount you would like to contribute.  Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register.  Click on the link and enter your card information.  Once registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt of your donation via email.  For future giving, send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will process automatically!  You can even text “repeat” to make it a recurring donation.

3. Enroll in Simply Giving: another safe and automated way to financially support God’s ongoing work at Bethel. YOU choose the amount and frequency of your gift, and it is automatically withdrawn from your checking/savings account. Fill out this form, and return it (along with a voided check) to the church office (or place in offering plate)

simply giving form

4. Check or cash: Join us Sunday morning to place it in the offering plate. Offering envelopes are available in the church narthex. When using these envelopes please include your name, $ amount and envelope number (if you are a member). For members – envelope numbers are on the mailboxes next to your name.

5. Thrivent Choice Dollars: If you are a Thrivent Financial Member, you have access to direct your Choice Dollars to Bethel as your charity of choice.  You can get started here, by searching for Bethel Lutheran Church in Lester Prairie, MN in the organization’s list.

6. Mail your giving to Bethel Lutheran Church, PO Box 207, Lester Prairie, MN 55354

7. Stocks and Shares: Bethel has a way of accepting offerings of appreciated stocks or shares of mutual funds.  If you are interested in this form of offering please contact the church office for more information.